Tuesday, June 07, 2005

Tribute To A Godly Woman-Frieda

..."Then shall the righteous answer Him,saying, 'Lord,when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give you drink ?...matthew 25:37
He will reply, when you helped the least of my brethren!
I was lonely and needed a friend. I wasn't sure if God would give me one, but He did.
He probably couldn't find a willing heart nearby.Then he searched further afield and found one, many oceans away and five time zones behind mine, in a place called Canada.Her name was Frieda.
Middle aged,Blonde haired,pretty,tall,white skinned and above all ,has a working heart!
Just before our meeting, they had been lying to her.They told her that she never did anything right.
They called her a joy killer. But they lied!
They lied because admitting the truth about her would mean acknowledging they were wrong.
They struck her down but couldn't destroy her.
They pressed but couldn't crush her.If anything, they squeezed out more sweetness.
They persecuted her but God was her strength.
They cursed her but she was blessed beyond a curse.
Her birth brought much joy to the family.So she was given a name that describes that emotion.
Frieda is the German word for joy.
In a world filled with much pain,loss,sorrow,disappointment,disillusionment,frustration,
some Frieda was much needed and God responded by sending her to the world ,on May 19,1962.
She exported this to a near place like the US (The Potters' and Linda were beneficiaries)
and a far place like Nigeria(Larry,Tony and I benefitted ).
Heroine of the downtrodden,afflicted,discouraged,defeated and the tormented rich:who don't
know what it is but sense that they lack something that their money can't buy them.
Satan hits at her ever so often to make her like the ones whom she helps.
But she had this to say about that, "I have this peace about me , inspite of all".
Blessed Be God for His Gifts!


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