Saturday, September 17, 2005

What Ails Thee, My Country?

My country is sick, I am not sure what it is!
Her name is Nigeria, Maybe she has Diarrhoea,

Her citizens walk around with grim faces,
Like they are tired of seeing the green faeces,

What's the matter,
You look like you saw something shatter!
Is it hopes,dreams,expectations ?

Let's examine her sin tonnes:

She has a waste product known as government,
Unlike food meant to nourish, it has become a torment!

Before it began, it made promises,
Remind her of those and you would be shown out of the premises!

Her Politicians were very thin,
Now they need no thing!
Their commitment to their oaths are WATERY,
Like mucus in diarrhea,the type you see in poultry.

Bowel movement,sounds of discontent!
The citizens besiege the embassies, desperate to flee,
Their basic rights they cant enjoy even with a plea!

Lets take a specimen of this stool
To see the men and what they use for their tool,
What are their names ,
What are their blames ?

Doctor's find:
these are the worms implicated,
Police:a putrid and corrupt organism
An Insipid and a social parasite.

Lawyers,exploit the gaps
Help rich crooks get off like water from a running tap

Local Government chairmen,
These are the village sharemen,
They split the loot like they care not a hoot.

Doctor's Prescription:
I hereby recommend a good anti government tic
It is guaranteed to act quick

Righteousness exalts a nation
Sin is a reproach and brings condemnation!

An Original Discharge from Freddy's Literary Loo!


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