Eagle In The Valley: An Aching Heart & A Watery Eye

I am in a state I haven't been in for a good while.
These adjectives will capture it :fragile,delicate,sensitive,vulnerable and prone.
I was shattered recently by a call I got. Now I am hanging in a state of uncertainty and insecurity, afraid to project into the future, scared that I may see in it a resemblance to my past.
Then comes writing to the rescue.
Writing sure does help in this state ,where flashes of thoughts come into the mind and are gone as soon as they come.It forcefully and inescapably pins them down on paper.
I wonder why I never did it before.It is a great way of letting off steam cos it comes with creativity which is a good exercise for the mind. If you are a stickler to order as I am , it helps you sweep together scattered and shattered emotions into a single pile for possible mending.
It serves this purpose too,like pictures still moments of time, so do words freeze emotions and thoughts for future reference and study.You get to study your feelings much like a psychologist,in a detached,third party like manner, making judgements not muddied up by sentiments.
Sometimes, I feel absolutely depressed, unwillingly as a child to be cheered with toys.Feeling like my world has crashed beyond redemption,overwhelmed by the forces driving my life.Feeling like a pawn in a chess game between the forces of Good and Evil , but then again,sometimes, I feel like a king on that same chess board.
I expect to be up in the mountain again soon .So friends, check back for an update.
Author's Comment:
I haven't blogged for a while.I admire the fluidity as opposed to the restrained manner of poetic writings.
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