Time Study

Let’s look at time, it can stand still,
It can be misused, it can be wasted.
It can go too fast, it can go too slow,
It can be kept, it can be drug out.
It can be used wisely, it can be used foolishly,
It can be stopped, it can be started.
It can be used to heal, it can get rid of a grudge,
It can get rid of hate, it can mend a broken heart.
It can be killed, it can be saved,
It can be squandered, it can become spare.
It can be called Father, it can be called sugar,
It can be called fine, it can be called hot.
It can be good, it can be nice,
It cannot be hoarded, it cannot be amassed.
It cannot be carried around, it will not replace anything,
It can be old, it can be used to reflect.
I could go on and on,
But I’ve run out of time.
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