Turn your Eyes Upon Jesus

Why are you so Impatient with me ?
Why do you refuse to understand ?
Why do you leave me the sour taste of guilt, to contend with ?
Why do you attack, forcing me to defend ?
Why do you words come so heavy, breaking my heart ?
Why does your temper flare at me like an untamed fire ?
Why do you litter my mind with untidy emotions ?
Why has the gentle breeze of your words turned violent like Katrina ?
Who says care equates to "always being there".
The Devil is always there ,but does that mean he cares ?
Nothing truly lasts, ok ?
Not even your feelings can stand fast, ok ?
They must flow as a stream,
To stay fresh and clean.
Crutches are good support,
But they are not your legs!
They are designed for accidents.
Friends are gifts from God,
But He would have us dependent on Him,
Never lean too hard on a lump of clay,
Because it will crack or break!
But Jesus , the Rock, can bear any weight!
Author's Comment: "Lean on me, when you are not strong", but I must say that there is a better support.
This will make more meaning to the one for whom it is intended!.
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