Life:A blend of simplicity and complexity

Life is a paradox!
Employing opposite principles in achieving a single goal.
For instance, it is governed by simple enough laws that even morons will have
No problem grasping. Yet these laws are not implemented by simple means but
By an extreme set of situations that outwit the wittiest and outsmart the
A few of these laws are encapsulated in such common sayings, derived from biblical teachings. They include:
*You reap what you sow or as the secular world phrases it; what goes around, comes around.
Everyone knows that to be true but most wave it off as an antiquated saying from a bygone era in human history. Arguing that the world has changed dramatically.
Another one of these simple laws by which life is ruled is found in the saying:
*Do unto others, as you would have them do to you.
Many arrogant individuals try to beat that one too. Their attitude is that it is ok for them to do to others as they wouldn’t want others to do to them.
Again, there is this saying that is especially relevant to men and women of the
underworld. The ilk of society, that try to exploit human weaknesses for profit.
*Those who live by the sword will also die by the sword..
In the rap music genre,mid nineties, there was largely a promotion of gun violence, vulgarity,
Obscenity etc.It was largely targeted at the male teens who wanted the tough guy image.
The two most dominant figures of this musical genre were late Tupac Shakur and The Notorious BIG. They were both slain by those who took that musical philosophy of gun violence, a little too seriously.
Closer home, in the corner of the world where I live, Nigeria, there is a flourishing art growing into a multi billion dollar a year industry.
Many legal descriptions of it, range from advanced fee fraud, money laundering to 419, but for the purpose of a simple article,such as this,I like to call it scam.
It is built on a brilliant platform called reverse psychology. Ludicrously simple yet
The scam artists ask for help from their would be victims. The victims are usually richer and more sophisticated in financial dealings, so they are in the position to offer such help.
The scammer makes an offer that is very naïve, for example, asking for money to be wired into the account of their target for safe keeping .The target sees this as the height of naivety because once the money gets to their account, it is history.
That way, he swallows the bait and gets greedy! From then on he becomes the scam artist’s milking cow. He gets squeezed for facilitation money until he realizes just what he is: a milking cow blinded by greed. By playing the fool, the scammer becomes rich while his victim becomes poor.
But by some inexplicable twist of fate, the same scammer, when he becomes rich gets arrogant and underestimates someone else.Like a rubber band when overstretched, his technique breaks and slaps him in the face! He loses his money by the very same trick he lived by!
The question is: what power is responsible for making sure that justice is done this way?
If these common sayings were taken more seriously, then men would learn that though they may succeed in slipping through the dragnet of humans, it might not be so easy with God’s. Serving as a reality check.
No work, good or evil, goes unrewarded. Better to be rewarded for a good work than an evil one. Don’t you agree?
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