Where Did We Go Wrong...A Sober Reflection

Why is there so much hardship and suffering ?
Why is there widespread destruction and distress ?
Why is there so much wars and prospects of more wars ?
Why is there a rat race to acquire weapons of mass destruction?
Why has the media become a tool for mass deception?
Why is there more diseases inspite of our medical advances?
Why are we working longer inspite of all the time saving devices?
Why has happiness,love and peace become so elusive ?
Why are we all all losing our minds,experiencing wholesale delusion?
Why do we read from the same book and have so many interpretations?
Why do we promote materialism at the detriment of spiritualism?
Why is there a price tag, tacked to all, in the name of commercialism?
Why are we so blind, unable to see the obvious ?
That the best things in life are free!
Why, oh why ?
We build with our hands
Only to view with our eyes
It's crash,wreck and collapse
Much like a pack of cards!
Terrorism and insecurity is spreading
Like a dark cloud, across our world
Tragic events coming
On the heel of tragic events
Newspapers are littered
With unbelievable horrors and terrors,
Perversions and corruptions
Earth is wobbly,unstable and quaking
Volatile Under our feet
Everyone is no longer at ease
The waters are drowning us in waves
The sun is blazing overhead and roasting us alive
The colds are freezing us to death
Diseases are ravaging and decimating countless populations
Hunger tears our stomachs sharply, with blunt blades
Our environments are suffering pollution without solution
Why has nature become an enemy,a predator?
Isn't she only fighting back ?
Isn't she protesting her constant defilement and violations ?
Is there not a cause,is there only an effect ?
Oh God, save us from self destruction!
Save us from annihilation
Save us from our madness
MLK once said:
"Our scientific power has outrun our spiritual power.
We have guided missiles and misguided men"
Author's comment:
We are bombarded each day by tragedies.More evil than good,more darkness than light?
Is there a morning lurking somewhere waiting to takeover?Is this the end or just the beginning of the end ?
I will not try to answer these questions, you decide and draw your own meaning!
Bless you,Alfred.
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