Flames of inspiration ignited by a dull moment

I was at the banks today.Just to drop off some money for certain individuals.The first two banks went fairly swiftly.The third was a different experience,as if to say, "you got off pretty fast at the other banks but you need to learn not to expect it everywhere".So I got into a queue that stretched all corridor long.Not that it was a queue in the real sense, because everyone just stood wherever there was an open space.I found an open space and stood...all the seats where taken.
The cashiers seemed to be dealing with each customer at the rate of ten minutes per customer.So it seemed like an interminable wait.I didn't come prepared for a long wait.No magazine or anything.I had my cell phone but when I whipped it out, the battery was dead from continous usage over the weekend.The only other option was to observe all the people sitting and standing beside me. Just at this time , a young man:tall,chubby and dark walked in.
There were other people who were tall and chubby around but he stood out because of his outfit! It was an "in your face" American kind of outfit.Oversized baggy pants,big boots with untied laces,a sleeveless basket ball jersey atop an inner white tee-shirt and a head scarf. As soon as he walked in, waving side to side, as if unbalanced by the african American/hip hop culture mentality he seemed to be living out,he and everyone knew that he didn't fit in the waiting crowd.So he was self conscious.
I noticed that everyone, especially the girls, were trying hard not to stare.I struggled with a chuckle.I caught another lady adjusting her expression from a smiling one to a more composed look.She didn't want to laugh.
A few minutes later, I heared him speak to someone near him.If I am not mistaking, his pronounciation sounded American.
A good example of comic relief.A little lightness to what was becoming a tensed and frustrating wait for attention.
Locked away from the crowd were the cashiers.
They work frantically.Receiving money ,casting an eye on filled forms, checking for the ever presenting omissions and cancellations which customers, more often than not , make. It is a job that is intense and demanding.Tasking in concentration.
The work environment is clean and fully air conditioned but presumably, things are not so cool in the heads of these workers. Their day starts early and busy.Lots of pressure yet they are punished when they make mistakes.They are expected to manifest robotic efficiency. They are so over worked that to take or give a greeting and a smile is an unbearable burden.
Most times, they are faced with customers who don't seem to know what they want.Some know what they want but lack the right words to communicate it.A very challenging work indeed.
By the time I got to this point in my observation,some thirty minutes later,I heared my name.It was finally my turn!
So, I corked back my pen and went to answer the call.
Obsevation truncated.
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