The Mind:an under acknowledged battlefield

Every mind is a battlefield. The real battles are not fought in outer space but the inner space of our minds. That’s where the untamed territory is.
Here, bullets are shot to weaken, maim or kill the target. Unprotected, the mind gets pierced, infiltrated, compromised or breached. Interrupting normal function.
Our mind is a gateway that must be secured. Any place with anything of value must have some measure of security. The level: minimum, average or maximum depends on the value placed on the target.
It is here that the greatest victories and defeats happen.
As a Christian I find that the enemy wants me to let down the bars of cleanliness by sending me thoughts, that if entertained will compel actions that are anti cleanliness.
In other to forestall this assault, I have to be on the alert, to recognize this foe, who is proficient in disguise.
His strategy is cunning. He is dirty, soiled and unclean by nature but hides behind immaculate surroundings
He maintains offices in buildings that are lit with multi-colored and visually appealing lights, state of the art musical equipment that oozes music that is exciting or sometimes relaxing. Just the kind of places that appeals to the indulgences of the body, but not the spirit.
His other weapon that is extremely potent is Distraction. Just so long as he has you looking the other way, he can keep you where he wants you. In his prison .
I met a guy recently in Books and Literature Room 1, in yahoo chat.
He had married and was freshly divorced. It lasted about a year and a half. We talked about marriage,relationships,the internet and about different cultures. Then he switched the topic to politics. He thought Bush was incompetent and that someone else should takeover from him. He asked me what I thought. I told him that I couldn’t care less,
That I do not place my faith in men and that I don’t rely on them to give me a habitable world. I look beyond them and above to God.
I told him that politics was a distraction. The man whose action counts is you. Bush has failed no less than he did in his marriage. Chances are that Bush has worked harder, albeit with poor result, to make things work. At that comparison, the light bulb of understanding came on for him and he admitted that much.
We must watch for the mind.
Make sure that all the filters are working and that the defenses are up, for it must be tried.
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