A contemplation on the Mightiness of God

The Almighty God
You are the All powerful,Infinite,Absolute and Supreme God
The Earth looks to you for sustenance
Your children's needs are many but they do not overwhelm or strain your Mightiness
Some need salvation,love,healing,improved finance,freedom from bad habits,addictions,sin etc
They call to you, they cry to you
You hear all their cries and you stir
For you, Lord, are a merciful God
As smoke defies gravity and rises to Heaven
So do their requests ascend to you
Though it is said that what goes up is what must return
You make sure that the problems are not what returns
The solution descend as sunrays, bursting the mass of darkness and blackness
The Almighty God
We your people acknowledge our deficiency
But we despair not, for we remember your sufficiency
We are frail,feeble and Weak
We are of dusty composition
But you excel in strength!
The Infinite God
We your people, know what it means to begin
We your people, know what it means to end
But not so you, being infinite-unbound neither by time nor space
You stand at both ends at the same time
You are both ends, for you say, "I am Alpha and Omega"
The Absolute God
Knowing no dependence,limits or boundaries of law
Sufficient, for you seek nothing,
You are complete!
The Supreme God
Your kingdom reigns over all
Your subjects are kings and gods
Who but you is the finality of all?
Who settles disputes among sovereign powers ?
You are the referee whose decision is final!
For these attributes, we look up to you
As the plants rise toward the light
As the mountains mount to the heavens
As the birds ascend to the cloudy heights
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