Recapturing the Vision...dealing with writer's block!

Dry! Dry! Dry!
As a bone. My ink won’t flow!
The Ideas have taken flight; the wit blunted, couldn’t cut through butter.
How did I lose my touch? What happened? What went wrong?
I could still force it and create something, but it was only that... forced!
Then I called on God. I prayed to him, requesting his anointing to wet me back to fluidity.
I wrote an article at first, thinking that I couldn’t go through the rigors of poetry, the condensation of ideas and thoughts and feelings; the weaving of complex strands of images into the fabric of language…it just suddenly seemed like gruesome work.
Then, I met Dahlia, a poet from Iraq. Soft spoken, unreligious yet decent. We became friends. She visited my blog and found my first attempt at humor in the form of a poem.
She got attracted to it and had it published in a Middle Eastern site. From then on, I started becoming self conscious of my creations, thinking to myself, who knows where this one might end up. At this time, the ideas still wouldn’t flow until
Well, until she showed me a draft poem she was making .I saw her technique and it was indeed brilliant and I got smitten again by the art form.
Right there and then, confidence flooded back to me, the passion for painting verbal pictures got rekindled because I think I caught a another glimpse of the once familiar pattern that underlies the art .
In the days of my struggle,my best attempt would come out as misshapen prose!
I could argue that I had invented a new form but I wouldn’t be arguing in sincerity.
Immediately after the revival of interest, I went back and produced a flurry of works.
Wet! Wet!Wet! as rain!
The ink won't stop flowing.
I thank the Lord that He would grant me this one prayer request!
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