A smashing error against a mirror

Hey, look at me standing there!
But I am here!
Mom never mentioned a twin
Or is this the work of a mad scientist?
Is this the cloning I have heard so much about?
Why me?
Wow, my exact duplicate!
The guy does exactly as me
I am stunned…he looks stunned too!
Is he gearing up for a clash?
He is standing against me
And watching me closely
What a copycat: he is even wearing the same fad as me!
Yuck, a real loser!
Well, I should be flattered really; at least someone thinks I am a great model!
But wait…
What if this fraud stops by my bank?
I could get robbed with enthusiastic assistance from my bankers!
Hey, you! Whatever your name is
Whatever your game is
Don’t play it on my territory
Did I mention that I have a temper?
Even Hell envies the heat it is capable of
Because it burns hotter than sulphur and brimstone
No, I am not threatening you
I am just keeping you informed
My last victim is still horribly deformed.
Shut up and listen!
How can we both speak at the same time?
And saying the same things too
I guess you don’t believe me, huh
One of those guys that don’t believe until they see, huh?
Well, take this!
Oh, no…you should’ve told me you were just a mirror
Then I won’t make this error; now I have wrecked you
Oh well, this boutique makes so much money; let them fix you
Your poetry speaks for itself, you seem very religious that’s very nice. Thanks for visiting Freddy.
Peace & Love
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