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I always say more than a word in Microsoft Word!
I use bleeding edge technology to make quiet difficult clients!
I always check my yahoo! Mail because I don’t trust Yahoo!
I never listen to anyone who says give me your ears because I only have two
I torture a clean confession out of a dirty cloth by drowning it in water and then hanging it limp on a rope!
I cuff my hands when I dress to work, so they can remain on the job
I love music but never pay for it. I just make sure to live near a bush for when nature radio broadcasts at dawn and late night.
I steal into the best cities in the world at night without travel papers. My pilot, Mr. Dream, is my assistant.
When my crisis was resolved, I asked the man if it was fair to charge for what took him ONLY two minutes!
I habitually paste my mental excretions on snow-white surfaces and insist that people say pleasant things about them
I employ a boxer to keep my waist flat and in shape
I am working on how to take over all the computers in the world, just by creating a folder in them and naming it “My Computer”
I love to spring people into action by my subject headings! I constantly say “Urgent”
I have a giant American company, called Yahoo! Working for me and I pay them nothing!
My idea of banking is called withdrawal!
I am tired of eating small egg yolks, so I am itching for the SUNniest one on earth.
I have poisoned quite a number of sleek guys…the RATS ate my grains and left behind their stains!
When the mad scientist, called mirror, presumed to clone me, I gave him a smashing funeral!
I leave every competitor trailing by a mile when I soft pedal with a smile
I always leave open my mouth, in a wordless warning to mosquitoes, when I slumber
I ride my horse on level, sleek and slippery paths with automatic speed yet expecting to arrive safely
I am a public servant but I make sure that the public works for me, while I lead them.
My house is built but I always call it a building, so no one says I have not fixed the latest facility!
The only reason I cried when I was born was that everyone had a fabric on and I was nude!
The reason they cried as I died was that I was leaving in a designer outfit!
The reason I am a friend of Mr. Clinton is that when I am in the US and incur costs, I just call him up and say “Bill! I am here”…he always understands.
I blinded my neighbors with a curtain when I couldn’t tolerate their sight anymore!
I am an ingenious mathematician! I have all my rich business contacts reduced to numbers in my cell phone!
I may already be the best boxer in the world, my coach; Calculator, rates me higher after every punch!
I am quite generous to strangers, that’s why I give them the benefit of doubt!
I have a suspicious nature, so maybe I should establish a security outfit.
I am undecided which trait I share with a wall gecko. Perhaps we both love sitting on the fence!
I always rightly tell people that they are wrong when they differ with me.
I will never buy the papers as long as they consider me not newsworthy!
It’s immoral for anyone to give Bill Gates so much money for one dream. I have a headful!
A man once asked me to help him out, so I showed him the door!
This other poet was making so much WAVES, so I shored him up! I hate a tsunami around me!
When I got home sick, I left!
They wondered why I didn’t write. So I called, saying there was nothing to write home about!
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