Lessons from the night!

I slept in early
When I awoke, it wasn’t yet dawn
But sleep was certainly done with me
It would be hours before the sun brightens the sky
To occupy me, I decided to play the detective
My mission was to uncover darkness and reveal that which it conceals
While on the job, many secrets I learnt…
I learnt that mosquitoes are after my blood, my life!
I learnt that for all the mosquitoes I killed in the daylight, at night I shall face the music!
I learnt that rats and roaches visit my cupboard without permission!
I learnt that time moves slower at night than in the day!
I learnt that my neighbor snores as loud as a pig!
I learnt that nature is an incurable talkative at night!
I learnt that when trees whisper, they are engaging in gossip!
I learnt that at night, things aren’t what they seem…for instance; the shadow of my head appears larger than my entire body!
I learnt that cockroaches consider my room as their home address!
I learnt that even frogs are bold to sing at night!
I learnt that my enemies are sheltered from sight in those innocent looking shadows!
I learnt that the food I tuck away in my gut before going to bed end up as
Entertainment for worms!
I learnt that the only living things at night are ghosts!
I learnt that I am not the only dreamer because everyone sleeps!
I learnt that those who pride themselves as realist have to deal with dreams at night!
I learnt that the reason ants sting me in my house is because they consider me a trespasser!
I learnt that if I don’t show my food the warmest attention at night, it would be sour on me in the morning!
I learnt that the neighborhood dogs don’t give a bark who I think I am if I don’t remain indoor!
I learnt that criminals prefer working night shifts!
I learnt that this is the best time to receive inspiration!
I learnt that God’s speech is both audible and clear!
I learnt that if I don’t end this poem you or I might fall asleep!
4:00am, Tuesday
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