know your self...your strength

The whole of a man is a head. The whole of a woman is a body. When a man and a woman unite in marriage, a more complete unit of head and body comes to view.
The consequence of this natural fact is that we can have a better guide as to where emphasis should be placed in our preoccupation across the gender lines!
My interpretation of a man being the head is that: he should be mentally oriented to the point of using the delicate folds of his brain more than his brawns. He should be about ferreting out the secrets of life, through study and observation.
He should occupy himself with seeking answers to questions about life: it’s origins and destination. He should get wisdom and understanding because he is born to be a leader.
With him, leadership is a birthright. He needs a good head on his shoulder to steer the lives of those that are in his sphere of influence.
A man with little understanding is one who is fixated on bodily adornment. He wants to dress spiffy and flashy all the time, at the expense of his head. Making him empty headed and clueless about anything.
Now some manage to both look good bodily and mentally, no doubt, but that is the exception not the rule.
I am not suggesting that men should be careless about their look but implying that we should strengthen the areas where God has strengthened us.
A woman’s assets are more readily visible and on display on the body.
From the flowing hair to the tender eyes, soft voice and delicate frame.
Needless to mention the more aesthetic gait as opposed to men’s styless locomotion.
The rule is bodily beauty and the exception is a logical, rational mind.
Yeah, we are different and difference is good. The blunder is made when we cross the gender line in competition instead of complimenting one another.
Just as much as I see women taking their adornment seriously enough to invest precious irreplaceable time to enhance, it’s somewhat less common to see the men try to build their brains.
More common is it to see them spending precious, hard earned naira in buying up clothes and stuff that are only make-up.
Imagine men using make ups: phones, computers, wristwatches, shoes, clothes etc
Big shame if you ask me.
Some women become mental juggernauts too but most men see that as a potential source of friction (threat) because much learning has a way of making people independent minded. Most intellectuals are notoriously bad team players!
A wife needs to be submitted to her husband. Drop her ideas for hubby’s! The reason for that , I believe is self evident. We can't afford two captains in a boat.
The purpose of this article is to help us know where to spend our energies on in our talent development!
I feel like a man should have a mental life more than any other, while the women are perfectly justified in making themselves look beautiful…but I think that true beauty is that which proceeds from inside out!
True beauty is not on sale. It is acquired in the school of life. Built into the fabric of our character.
A man whose head is loaded can only look down in humility. He whose head is empty is justified to walk around making sounds of emptiness, like clanging cymbals!
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Hello. I have just read through all of your 2006 posts. They were interesting, but this is what stopped me! I have been meaning to write on Milton (my heart) yet have avoided it because of the difficulty. Now you make me begin. Your first statement is pure Milton. Man=head=ratio. Woman=body=mens. Woman has a mind, but one that must submit, like her body, to man's reason. This is pure Bible, of course, as portrayed by male interpreters. Milton was a great woman-hater. He delighted in spelling "woman" as "woeman" because SHE was WOE to MAN. Your thinking falls into that line. And yes, for me it is Fallen thought. Milton adopted a traditonal attitude to woman, as you seem to do. Woman for man and man for God. Woman looks up to man and man looks up to God. Man has a mind for higher things...until he falls in love. Why is woman "an intellectual juggernaut" to be feared? Juggernaut as lorry? Juggernaut as in the Hindu sense of crushing devotion? Either way, the meaning is the same: a woman runs a man down with intellectual development. But is that true? I could run you down now--as a male--but it is the feminine inside me that argues otherwise. Men love to run men down with power--because they have such little idea about love. The love between Adam and Eve is some of the most tender in the whole of world poetry. In Paradise Lost, Milton explores the received wisdom of his Age. "A wife should submit to her husband."
So spake the devil afraid of Love.
In Paradise Lost, Milton's great invocations to the Divine are religious love songs to the feminine. To be constrained within the narrow views of male tradition is to be emotionally starved. Some of your views, here, clip the wings of Love (even clip the wings of the Holy Ghost which Milton, the greatest interpreter of the Bible in poetry, celebrates as a brooding, feminine creative spirit). Soar with love. You are an individual (forget man) and you have a fine appreciation of words. And thinking of what you wrote on my blog, you also have someone who likes those words. Ah, but she will only like those words if you believe that she has a mind equal to yours and can appreciate those words as you do. Write a love poem and find out who you are. Perhaps, I am the serpent hissing at the Tree of Knowledge. I hope not because you impress me as an honest man. What I have written here is my post about reading at a different level, from something even closer to my soul. Be well.
Seeing you respond so quickly is a joy my friend and I am pleased to see a very thoughtful and once again analytical comment. Great!
Well, I said that men and women are made differently and for different purposes. Hopefully, you see that!
These differences are very indicative of who and what they are!
You mention Adam and Eve and I am surprised that you don't realise that it was the woman's lack of submissiveness to an instruction which she received from the man that brought on the mess the world is in today.
The truth is self evident that you would have a tug of war if you had two minds calling the shots. In a marriage union, the man and the woman cannot compete for headship or folowership, for that matter.
A man thinks, a woman feels!
A man can feel and a woman can think too but their biological wiring reinforces them to be STRONGER in a particular point.
Have you ever met someone who thinks they know what they are doing? do they listen to you when you try to tell them different? of course not!
Knowledge has that effect on people!
I don't know about you but I want my lady to let me do the thinking. Don't think that to be selfish because My lady will be someone I love! so I will be thinking to our mutual interest.
thanks again for commenting.
Yes, I did realise that the Fall was created by Eve refusing to submit. But that is a doctrinal believe it, you do not believe it, you adopt a more complex view. An individual takes this choice. But a question: if Adam was inately superior why did he decide to eat the apple? I would take a more complex view of the bibilcal Fall, as Milton argues in Paradise Lost and De Doctrina. To my knowledge, there is no biological evidence to suggest that the male is stronger. What evidence that does exist is to the contrary: synaptic connections increase in woman. But actually, it isn't the biology that makes the person, surely it is how s/he develops both hemispheres of the brain through education and creates emotional intelligence. I have met too many ignorant men to automatically accept that males are superior. I honour your view, however, for every individual must live his life according to his world picture.
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