Wednesday, February 21, 2007

An unusual approach to sharing the Gospel

Usually when people sense that you are about to share the good news about Christ and His saving power or that you are trying to warn them of the dangers of not hiding under the shadow of His protecting wing, they harden their mind.

Employing the skill I use often when writing poetry, which is to awaken curiosity in my audience and cause them to investigate the puzzle that my words hold, I mystified this lady friend of mine in a chat session. I only let the penny drop at the end by cluing her in with an unmistakable clue.

Here's our exchange:

crystalden_25: hi
freddy_lincoln: low
freddy_lincoln: they are break more backs!
crystalden_25: hmmmn
freddy_lincoln: you got one for breaking?
crystalden_25: saw tht
crystalden_25: whtz tht supposed to mean
crystalden_25: ?
freddy_lincoln: can't call names...can only give attributes
crystalden_25: wht?
crystalden_25: speak English pls
freddy_lincoln: lol
crystalden_25: laugh all u wnt
freddy_lincoln: To call a name is to play a deadly game
crystalden_25: and?
freddy_lincoln: sorry, if I do that, knowing how dangerous they are, I will have no one but me to blame
freddy_lincoln: sorry, I know all this is really mysterious
freddy_lincoln: It's because things have gotten really serious
crystalden_25: are u sure u're tlking to me
crystalden_25: ?
freddy_lincoln: Nothing can stop them...they are unstoppable!
freddy_lincoln: Anyone who speaks of the law earns a broken jaw
freddy_lincoln: sorry crystal
freddy_lincoln: really sorry
freddy_lincoln: I hate to make you look so dumb
crystalden_25: are u nuts?
freddy_lincoln: I am sorry squirrel...I can't be your lunch
crystalden_25: i hope not
freddy_lincoln: hope at this time, crystal, is dead!
freddy_lincoln: The situation is all gloom and doom
crystalden_25: he's really nut s, everybody run for dear life
freddy_lincoln: you hope because you are drinking a bottle of illusions
freddy_lincoln: And if life is dear to you, then I am sorry for you
freddy_lincoln: They said they would destroy all that is near and dear to the heart
freddy_lincoln: Crystal, it's bad. It's sad...They will break every back!
freddy_lincoln: Your's included
freddy_lincoln: Have to leave you now to hatch my escape plan
freddy_lincoln: I have 66 books to study to overcome the most vicious...agent 666
freddy_lincoln: I hope you make it. The road is really narrow and takes only an elected few


Blogger Dinma said...

Honestly that was a very smart approach.I like your post on Miss Love.

9:56 PM  
Blogger Vessel of Mercy said...

Thanks Dinma. Thanks for reading.

4:58 PM  

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