Friday, June 03, 2005


ADDRESSing Identity!
What would Identify you from the crowd?
Such things as your name,your skin complexion,
voice,life style,your address and a whole lot of others.
I like to talk about the address:
Being here in Lagos almost made me lose my identity !.Horrible,
wouldn't you say ?.
Haven't had my own address for exactly two years !.Just shared with a friend.
I just yesterday (june 1,2005) paid for a "little" place that i am absolutely in love with .
It actually sits on a hill that overlooks a valley dotted with palm trees in a distance.
Except for my neighbour who seems to like his/her(havent determined their gender yet ) music loud , the sounds of nature are pretty well preserved,like bird singing, the sound of a wind rush!
Wouldn't be possible without the assistance of kind hearts like my canadian friend,Mrs Frieda woodcock (hey frieda, excuse the formality!),my pastor Niyi Adelodun,Brother Carson et al.
Big Thanks to Desmond who hosted me all the period i worked at building this identity.May God Bless his gallant soul and to you again frieda for making me believe i could do it .
Blessed be our Lord Jesus, who worked all those miracles that made those "co-incidences" happen!

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

Why on earth are we here ?

I have often wondered long and hard about the above question !I am sure we all have.
Life can seem like a whirlwind of actvities we find ourselves trapped in and a series of events that make no meaning .Like a routine.
Many have tried these things to fill the vacumn
  • Pleasure
  • drugs
  • Alcohol
  • money making
  • sex
  • Pornography
  • Gambling
  • computer Games
These things after a while lose their appeal.Man is continually searching in every place.
He climbed the Highest mountain ,swam the deepest ocean,been to space,invented all manner
of ingenious contraptions,made discoveries,postulated and speculated yet he seems not to be satisfied by all his finding .
Apparently what we seek is found in God!.In Him we find rest,assurance and Hope and Love.

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