Christmas:A marriage of heathenism and Christianity!

Conventionally, Santa Claus is portrayed as a kindly, round-bellied, merry, bespectacled white man in a red coat trimmed with white fur, with a long white beard.
This jovial fellow arrives on Christmas Eve on a sleigh pulled by reindeer, and lands on the roofs of houses. He then climbs down the chimney, leaves gifts for the children, and eats the food they leave for him. He spends the rest of the year making toys and keeping lists on the behavior of the children.
The Bible doesn’t say when Jesus was born. However, it was most likely in spring, the only time that ancient shepherds ever watched over their flocks by night.
Historians are unsure exactly when Christians first began celebrating the Nativity of Christ. The Protestant Church until after the 1800s because of its association with similar pagan holidays forbade it. Some scholars maintain that December 25 was only adopted in the 4th century as a Christian holiday after Roman Emperor Constantine converted to Christianity to encourage a common religious festival for both Christians and pagans.
The Roman priesthood preserved the festival and many other traditions and beliefs in its transformation to Christianity and formation of the Catholic Church.
So, what do we do to celebrate this greatest of gifts? We get ourselves into debt and more debt, we drink ourselves silly, and we spend, spend, and spend! Then for weeks and months afterwards we are eaten up by guilt and all sorts of ideas to repair the damage. Guilt is not one of the gifts the Father intended for us; instead it is one of those sneaky little emotions implanted by Satan and his cohorts. Look at the list of stuff just mentioned and tell me they are gifts from God! The spirits of anger, drunkenness, sexual abuse, promiscuity, physical abuse, murder to name but a few!
Due to poor roads and airports here in Nigeria, amongst other factors, the season witnesses the death of many who use these channels for their travels.
Because of holiday celebrations involving alcohol, drunk driving-related fatalities typically also increase.
The Christmas season gets dominated by money and greed at the expense of the holiday's more important values.Flambouyant displays of fashion and passion too. It is indeed also the most stressful time of the year, packed full of activities that deplete money, energy and time.
The crass commercialization of Christmas today makes a mockery of both Christian history and belief.