Friday, August 05, 2005

God's Love, measureless and strong!

The love of God is greater far
Than tongue or pen can ever tell;
It goes beyond the highest star,
And reaches to the lowest hell

When years of time shall pass away,
And earthly thrones and kingdoms fall,
When men, who here refuse to pray,
On rocks and hills and mountains call,
God's love so sure, shall still endure,
All measureless and strong;
Redeeming grace to Adam's race-
The saints' and angels' song.

Could we with ink the ocean fill,
And were the skies of parchment made,
Were every stalk on earth a quill,
And every man a scribe by trade,
To write the love of God above,
Would drain the ocean dry.
Nor could the scroll contain the whole,
Though stretched from sky to sky.

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Richard Branson of Virgin Atlantic Posing with F. Y&X

The Brotherhood! Francis,Yomi & Yomi

Monday, August 01, 2005

The Potter’s Wheel

One day the clay said to the potter
why did You make me this way?
But has not the craftsman the right
to make whatsoever he may like?

For he already said,
I can create for special or common use
if I so choose.
Then again the pot cried why?

So the potter spake:
“yet you are marred in my hands
I can reshape you while on the wheel
but once fired it’s too late,
you’re thrown outside the Potsherd Gate.”
Colin Stewart Jones

It depends whose HANDS it's in

A basketball in my hands is worth about $19.

A basketball in Michael Jordan's hands is worth about $33 million.

It depends whose hands it's in.

A baseball in my hands is worth about $6.
A baseball in Mark McGwire's hands is worth $19 million.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A tennis racket is useless in my hands.
A tennis racket in Venus Williams' hands is a Championship Winning.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A rod in my hands will keep away a wild animal.
A rod in Moses' hands will part the mighty sea.
It depends whose hands it's in.

A sling shot in my hands is a kid's toy
A sling shot in David's hand is a mighty weapon.
It depends whose hands it's in.

Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in my
hands is a couple of fish sandwiches.
Two fish and 5 loaves of bread in
Jesus' hands will feed thousands.
It depends whose hands it's in.

Nails in my hands might produce a birdhouse
Nails in Jesus Christ's hands will
produce salvation for the entire world.
It depends whose hands it's in.

As you see now it depends whose hands it's in.
So put your CONCERNS, your WORRIES, your FEARS,
your HOPES, your DREAMS, your FAMILIES and your
RELATIONSHIPS in God's HANDS because...
It depends whose HANDS it's in.

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