Wednesday, December 14, 2005

The Absurdity of reading a spiritual book with an unspiritual mind

Christianity is badly marred from the sustained and vehement yet subtle attacks mounted by the enemy.
The archenemy of this wonderful faith is Satan. He is patient, for he didn't achieve this over night.
Like a beaver, he has eaten the tree that constitutes the Christian life bit by bit.
His most potent weapon is adulteration, contamination or perversion, if you like. The introduction of extraneous materials into an original, for the purpose of distortion.
He has used this weapon as far back as the Garden of Eden were he talked eve out of the commandment of God by introducing ONE word:” Thou shall NOT surely die" as opposed to "Thou shall surely die".
That introduction brought the harmony of nature to a grinding halt. Then
Evil crept in until now it reigns supreme. Like a mountain, it towers on Earth’s landscape and casts a long and dark shadow over all. Light is almost totally blocked out. That which remains is dim and insufficient until lately.
But God is not helpless in all this. Like it is written, in the book of Ecclesiastes,” there is a time and PURPOSE for EVERYTHING under the earth’.
Evil, strange as it may seem, has a role to play. Temptations and Trials too.
There is a simple law embedded in the Bible, that says that EVERY child that comes to God MUST first be tested.
It doesn't make much sense to the carnal, unspiritual mind. But look at what obtains in the natural; Gold is subjected to fire, not to destroy it but to take away the impurities or attachments. Now this fire heats it up to the point of melting!
Jesus was LED to be tempted by the Devil to prove him.
Satan was bound for a 1000 years in the duration of the millennium and subsequently let LOOSE to deceive.
There is not a chance occurrence in all these things. It is all by design.
Man has been given the Bible, which is a spiritual book, to live by. He tries to understand it intellectually, using his five senses as a judge for its accuracy and interpretation.
That is an erroneous approach. What we have as a result of this is, lots and lots of confusion.
Christians read from ONE book, the Bible, yet it will be an uphill task to say how much the number of interpretations there are. Possibly, thousands and counting.
What has resulted from reading a spiritual book, unspiritually or carnally are these:
The tearing, chopping, and ripping of the ONE God, into three entities.
Unscriptural baptismal formula in the TITLES of the chopped up entities
Appealing to the shadows of the Old Testament instead of The SUBSTANCE to which they pointed.
The ridiculous teaching, inspite of the truth having been made manifest, that the original sin came from eating an Apple! The original sin came from transgressing God's Word through an act of Adultery.
The neglect of the command for men and women to dress distinct from one another. God’s Word forbids cross-dressing.
The role of women in the church. Exalting women to leadership positions.If she is not allowed to head any home, how can she do so in God’s House?
The disgraceful portrayal of Grace: as a license to perpetrate nonsense.
This list is by no means exhaustive. There are lots of other things as there are lots of denominations.
God has looked down from Heaven and just as He could no longer bear the sins of Sodom and Gomorrah, even so is He uncomfortable with our Age.
But He has a principle of warning first before pouring out His judgment. Therefore He has sent a message through a messenger.
The message is now in the land: judgment is imminent. There shall be no hiding place.
All excuses are no longer tenable! The message is here and now!
For an insight into the message and the messenger, please click on the title of this article.
God Bless you

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Once Upon A Boss

I know a man, a boss
He loves to say, "Hurry up, quicker"
Have you finished EVERYTHING?
Well, why didn't you, you are so overpaid, you are so lazy, how will I pay your salary?
In December, he faults you for not remembering what happened in January, even though records are kept for that purpose.
He can't believe you made a mistake; he can't believe you are not perfect.
He caught you tired once and having a nap...that means he caught you in a deep slumber. You sleep everyday at work!
He doesn’t understand your need to have breaks; that could break the BUSINESS.
He doesn't understand why you will not give your SOUL to the job.
You want to go home, so early ...At 7pm?
You ought to share in the rent because you spend so much time here. That goes for all the other bills too!
Will you be here on Forget about church...the BUSINESS is more important!
Salary? Is that all you think about? ...You are not concentrating on the BUSINESS.
You are sick? Come on, you are just being lazy! Who will take care of the BUSINESS?
What do you need a weekend break for? That's for lazy folks!
Christmas break? Don't you know that that’s when the job gets exciting, more BUSINESS?
A loan? Do you think I am a bank! I am not making as much money as you think!
Some allowance for the job? So much for your loyalty...can't you make sacrifices?
Of course I know you have been with me for 10 years, but I told you five years ago I was thinking about your raise, so please be patient!
How come the sales are dropping...I mean, they just INCREASED a little!
What do you mean the business couldn’t borrow from you? pays you!
Working like a donkey is not as bad as people try to make it...there is a donkey dignity in labour.
Go buy me the things I need, as fast as possible and please go as far away as possible ok... Here they charge too fast about it but go far please!
You have been sitting all day. You need to exercise more...please, go buy me some lunch!
Someday, you will own a car...why not practice on how to change tyres now...please, help me change my car's.
What do we need a cleaner for...aren't you a godly person ...cleanliness, is next to godliness. You ought to practice more godliness!
You need a smarter look ok, people don't have to know you earn so low. You must learn to protect your secret.
You eat too much! Isn’t this your second meal since morning... it's just 8pm!
Why do you need 3 days to finish a job that takes Just 24hours.Aren’t there 24 hours in a day?

I actually know a man, who thinks and talks this way.I just thought to convert the negative vibes to a more humorous one.This character represents most bosses, but not all.
Currently, I have the most benign bosses in the world, here at systemplus---Alfred.

Monday, December 12, 2005

The fine art of reading and writing

Sometimes, I read books or magazines that I half understand the concept being described or talked about.
My solution to this challenge is one of patience. I try to key in into the meaning by breaking apart the words used to describe this concept. I follow closely. I hold my concentration as much as I can because it is so easy to wander along more familiar paths and away from the less familiar ones that are brutally tasking in concentration.
It is almost impossible to not drift a little every now and then. At that point, a good memory comes in as a handy tool that gives you the ability to pick up from where you left off.
The key to effective reading is being able to decipher what the multitude of text is speaking of.
If I recall right, a paragraph should hold one central idea. Search for it. A great technique to locating this idea is to linger a little on the Heading, if any exist, which it should. Then ponder on the words.
I once wrote a poem that humorously talked about my violent inclinations. I didn’t build a narrative on it, just many instances of those tendencies. My readers were unable to see or hear the humor that I intended because they obviously spared no time on the title. So the effect was lost on them and I ended up laughing alone.
The title was the key. They didn’t use it; consequently, they were locked out.
In reading or writing, we must keep our eyes out for the foundation. Writing must be built on or around something known as the theme.
I try not to use my mind as a storage device when I read. The more the weight on the mind, the slower it runs. For flexibility and speed, latch on the theme.
Speed is good, probably not as important as most people think. Some rush through the text. I don’t recommend this except maybe for newspapers and magazines.
Rushing through a book is like rushing up a nice meal, just to satisfy hunger!
No tasting, just swallow swallow. That could cause a problem with digestion.
I love to eat a nice meal by chewing and tasting it, till I have a memory of it. That memory, if pleasant, could make me want more.
Sometimes, I eat not only to satisfy hunger but for pleasure.
Students, so called, have a mentality of reading or studying for the sole reason of getting good grades.
Reading can be a very pleasurable experience. To reduce it to merely an act of survival or luxury is to be short sighted.
Reading is both powerful and beautiful. The Bible encourages us to give attention to reading and also to study, to show ourselves APPROVED.
Reading serves as a catalyst for thought. In other words, it is thought provoking. It opens our eyes to the beauty that stares us in the face daily yet one that we are so unaware of.
Many times you read a book telling you about what you know already but in a different light. You may first get the surprise feeling that someone else has had that experience too.
Words can be manipulated in such a way that the mundane becomes subliminal.
A reader develops and never loses his sense of awe and ability to marvel. He has a more heightened sensitivity to happenings in and around him. His mind never sleeps but stays awake and active.
With all the harsh realities that life throws at us, what better way to cushion it’s effect than to escape into more benign worlds, on the wings of our imagination. Upon return, we get charged and ready to face the world with the weapons of optimism and enthusiasm.
Writing is closely related to reading. You write because you have read.
A written material is the product of processed ideas. It causes you think, to look at many things and see a pattern and then using those similarities to paint a picture.
For instance, as I write, my pen is racing along the imaginary tracks to a goal. That evokes an athletic picture.
If you do this cleverly enough, the next time your reader writes, he imagines he is an athlete on the racetracks of his paper.
Writing is both creative and innovative. When you write, you make yourself a channel for inspiration and ideas. These flows to your readers and they are moved. A good writing will shatter a dull moment.
Like in conception and delivery, the mother to be becomes very beautiful and glows during pregnancy. Upon delivery, there is a sense of accomplishment.

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