What in the Heavens is going on up there?
The news media had all been chattering about it for days but my thoughts were
“How can this people be so sure”
My skepticism increased on that day (may 29) when the sun mounted up its heavenly place with its usual burning zeal.
By 9 am, everywhere was heated enough to cause people to be sweating so early.
At about 10:30 am when I stepped out, that was when the historic event was made.
The clouds suddenly darkened and light swiftly faded like it was twilight. For a moment, I wasn’t certain if it was the expected eclipse or the prelude to a heavy down pour of rain.
With that confusion in mind, curiosity overruled my better judgment causing me to look up.
In the briefest of moments, I saw the big fireball in the heavens being shut out of view by the darkest cloud I ever saw.
Then without any warning, I felt sharp pain tear through my eyes to the rear end of my skull! My brain felt like a mess of fried circuitry struggling with normal transmission. The facial skin lost its elasticity causing pain at every facial contortion.
Different people had different opinions about its significance.
The educated scientific minds tried to calm everyone, saying that it meant nothing really. It was no more than the sun indulging in some celestial truancy! Refusing to work.
The common man on the streets relied on his instincts for interpretation. He said the world was at its end.
The spiritual minded folks didn’t differ much with that but they had more concrete evidence to point at.
They first tried to disprove the suggestion that it was a meaningless occurrence. To the contrary they argued.
According to Genesis 1:14
Then God said, “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heavens to divide the day from the night; and let them be for
signs and seasons, and for days and years;
Apparently this was more of a sign than any other.
The sign of darkness! Exit of light, judgment and impending doom.
It is certain that after this historic event, things will return to business as usual but for those waiting for that Rapturous exit, there will be a more sober reflection
One of preparation.
I believe that we the Bride of Christ are the light of the world as the scriptures teach.
Perhaps God is foretelling our imminent exit and the consequent darkness that the Earth shall be plunged!