Under God’s Sky and His watchful Eye

While draining my teacup of its milky content, I noticed the morning light dimming. The cloud was brooding. Instead of its clean look, it looked dark and dirty.
Out of the door, I broke into an even paced jog. My stomach sloshing with undigested semi solid breakfast: the road to the bus stop stretched endlessly before me. Soon out of air I slowed down to a walk when I heard my ankles begin to talk.
Before long the morning looked like it was evening. Headlights were turned on to illuminate the darkening road. Frantic movements, adults hurrying, kids scurrying, folks nowhere near origin or destination doing the jumps over gutters in their search for shelters, road side traders spreading nylon covers over their wares, lightweight materials gaining buoyancy as they get picked up in the excited wind, competing winds locking horns making frightened dust particles flee into eyeballs for cover, umbrellas growing from prepared people’s heads like mushrooms.
Observing all this brought a thought to my mind. I remembered that Heavenly daddy is the sole controller of the universe, he schedules the seasons, rainy and dry as we have it here. It didn’t seem implausible that I could gain favor from Him by asking the time for the downpour to be delayed long enough for me to get to my bus stop. I still had a lot of ground to cover. The sky was barely holding. Drops were already cascading lightly but I had no doubt that I could pull strings with Heavenly daddy. But this didn’t mean that I walked like my need to stay dry meant more to Heavenly Daddy than His duty to feed the mouths of millions of His other creatures. No, this wasn’t the case.
Because of delayed rains, such staples like corn, pear, oranges, have been in short supply. The farmers blame it to a baked earth untouched by rains.
Just a few meters to the bus stop, the sky broke at it’s seams. Slanting silver drops pierced the air, fast and furious, filling up gutters in the bat of an eyelid.
I got soaked to the skin but my bones managed to stay dry.
I got to the office, leaking water on the tiled floor like a watering can in a nursery garden . Without a change of clothes to slip into the heat from my laptop helped to warm my fingers while a waiting mail from my fiancée brought some warmth to my heart.
Once upon a time in history, Heavenly Daddy was willing to freeze the Sun and the Moon in their tracks because elder brother Josh had some scores to settle with obstructing infidels. Elder Brother Elijah was once given supernatural strength to outrun the wind in a bid to escape a vengeful weather.
Heavenly Daddy is well known for His fairness, goodness, tenderness and soft tissue heart although He can be firm even stern. He uses the rod to make His kids sit up straight but experience has shown that He also has a waiting balm to massage into the welts drawn across our stubborn posterior.
For many, the rain pounded and attempted to dissolve them but Heavenly Daddy made it fall soft and gentle on me as well as sending a non frigid wind to bring dryness.
Heavenly Daddy loves His Children equally but is moved more by those of His kids who give Him a chance at helping them in circumstances beyond their control. To them He sends help that refreshes their soul.