The world's biggest liability

Your life is like teeth
It exists only to cut
What ear can hear your story
And not recoil in horror?
If a priest were to read the scripture
Declaring that there were no more two in the picture
You will arrive with hooves of thunder
And leave all asunder
You have been around since time
Like a cat’s claw, you have left sharp marks
The grave truth about you is buried
And the visible epitaph reads a bold lie
It’s either your story is unknown or it's heard only in whispers
The details are a scorching hell
With every blackened soul you own
You ignite an unseen war
A war that makes Iraq look like a playground
Because they clutch a gun but also hold out hope for peace
With you
It’s always exaggerated
Like with 6 million Jews
You caused a total eclipse in the news!
Labels: Dark